Heroes Discount
15% off for Military, First Responders, Healthcare workers, & Teachers
As thanks for your service, enjoy 15% off every order, excluding subscriptions.
How it Works
Verify your credentials with the button below. We've partnered with GOVx to ensure a smooth process.
Get your unique code to save 15% on every order from here on out. Shop, checkout, and enjoy.
Military & Military Families
You are eligible if you are currently serving or previously served and were honorably discharged from the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy or National Guard.
This includes:
- Active duty service members
- Veterans & Retired
- Reservists
- Military academies
- Military spouses & dependents
Healthcare, Emergency Medical & First Responders
You are eligible if you are working on the front lines of the emergency medical field, fire, & police.
This includes:
- Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs)
- Paramedics
- Registered Nurses (RNs)
- Trauma Nurses
- Nurse Practitioners
- Hospital Physicians, PAs, and Technicians
- Firefighters & Police Officers
Teachers & Educators
You are eligible if you are an active employee of government funded schools (public schools).
This includes:
- Teachers (K-12 public schools)
- University Professors
- School and University Staff
Dental Professionals
While GovX does not currently have a way to identify dental professionals. If you are a dental professional, please email us: support@akamaibasics.com for your ongoing 15% off Heroes discount.
This includes:
- Dentists
- Dental Hygienists
- Dental Assistants
- Periodontists
- Orthodontists
You can use your unique discount code every time you place a one-time order.
Your unique 15% code will not combine / stack on top of other discount codes.
However, orders over $60+ (after your 15% has been applied) will ship free in the USA!
We've partnered with GOVX to provide benefits and savings to those who serve our country and communities. You can verify quickly via this link or any other link to verify on our site.
No, this discount does not apply to subscriptions.
While GovX does not currently have a way to identify dental professionals. If you are a dental professional, please email us: support@akamaibasics.com for your ongoing 15% off Heroes discount.
Additionally, if you are interested in becoming an affiliate, you can also qualify for free products, a 15% discount, and commission earnings as part of our Healthcare Professional Program. Find more info here.