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What is the Living Clay packet's film made out of?

Our goal was to make the entire Living Clay packet home compostable — including the label.

It is designed to preserve the food-grade clay inside, ensuring maximum potency and freshness. 

The films for both our Mineral Toothpowder Refills and our Living Clay are made from renewable, plant-based, sustainably grown materials.

More about the films...

  • The packet is made out of an advanced, fully biodegradable 2-ply film designed for foods. There is an inner cellulose (wood pulp) food safe, film sandwiched to an outer film that acts as a sealant. The outer film is infused with a minute (5%) amount of metal required to keep the product fresh. The minute amount of metal falls within all safe composting standards.
  • The films and labels are both fully compostable and ASTM D6400 (commercial) and EIN 13432 (home compost) compliant.
  • The label is certified by BPI and meets ASTM D6400 and ASTM D6868 standards for compostability. It utilizes bio-resins and wood cellulose.


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