Check out this fellow disruptor reforming the beauty industry

Waking people up and showing a better way.

We recently connected with Jessica DeFino, the freethinking, rabble-rousing force behind The Unpublishable. She is railing against industrial forces just like we are.

While we take aim at the $130 billion Personal Care Industry Complex, Jessica focuses on exposing and reforming the beauty industry. (see excerpt from her site below). These two industries heavily overlap especially when you consider most personal care products focus on superficial, cosmetic qualities.

We are both waking people up to the same kinds of things. Costs, products, chemicals, complexities — all out of control and while great for industry, not great for us humans (or our planet). It’s all driven by slick marketing, perpetuated myths and misconceptions. And you know what? The vast majority of those feel-good, “natural”, zero-waste, sexy Instagram brands are part of the problem. (Love this piece she just wrote about yet another one that just launched).

We both believe in a radically different, non-industrialized approach.

She's a rational, clear thinker, asking probing questions and calling it as she sees it which is something we clearly need more of. 

  • Visit The Unpublishable and consider signing up for her newsletter.
  • Support our work by purchasing and using our truly essential tools that were born outside of the personal care industry.
  • And you can support both of us by sharing was we do with others!

The Unpublishable Newsletter Image

“Hi! I’m Jessica DeFino, a freelance beauty journalist for The New York Times, Vogue, WWD, Allure, and more.

This newsletter is a place for my most “unpublishable” pitches: the beauty-critical content that publications can’t, won’t, or don’t cover — whether that’s to appease advertisers, preserve brand relationships, or cling to the conventional wisdom, outdated ideals, and marketing myths that keep consumers consuming. Trust me, it all influences what information makes it to the mainstream.

Expect information that subverts beauty standards, prioritizes people + the planet over products, and looks through the lenses of science + spirituality (although, to paraphrase Carl Sagan, they’re kinda the same thing).

Basically, it’s what the beauty industry won’t tell you — from a reporter on a mission to reform it.” — The Unpublishable

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