"Great Tongue Cleaner. I love the steel handles on this tongue cleaner. I use it every morning before I brush my teeth. It keeps my breath fresh." — Judy O.
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Product Highlights
Simple, clean design. Ergonomically shaped head & flexible handles.
Made from 100% surgical-grade stainless steel. Rinses clean. Hygienic, durable, and plastic-free.
Addresses the cause of bad breath vs managing symptoms (e.g. mouthwash).
Promotes healthy teeth and gums by helping remove toxins and bad bacteria.
Smoothed & polished metal edges to protect taste buds.
Part of our Oral Care System, endorsed by Dr. Mark Hyman as a "Mark’s Picks".
Made in India | Fair Labor & Fair Trade | TSA Compliant
Medical Grade 304 Stainless Steel
Quality standards
Made in India with Fair Labor Practices, Fair Wages Paid & Fair Trade
TSA Compliant
"It has been estimated that the debris in the mouth may be responsible for up to 90% of oral malodor." —Dr. Joseph Tonzetich — considered the modern-day pioneer in bad breath research
"Many current treatments for bad breath (e.g. mouthwash) do not improve oral ecology—in fact, they might make matters worse." — Scientific American
A tongue cleaner (aka tongue scraper) is a simple tool specifically designed to physically remove the whitish-gray coating found on our tongues that is made up of bacteria, dead cells, fungi, and food debris.
Costing less than 10 bucks, tongue cleaners provide a powerful and intelligent solution for one of the root causes of bad breath: the bacteria that thrive on the tongue and emit a sulfur-like odor. Along with the basics of brushing, flossing, and hydrating, it is a key part of implementing a simple system for getting rid of bad breath.
While a toothbrush could be used, they have been clinically proven to be far less effective at removing this film than using this simple tool.
Wake and scrape. When we sleep, our digestive system remains awake, removing toxins from our body by depositing them on the surface of our tongue. This process can cause bacteria to accumulate. Studies have shown that using a tongue cleaner can reduce this type of buildup. Using a tongue cleaner will not only help remove the odor-causing bacteria but the toxins that come with it.
Removing surface toxins from the body is highly beneficial since they can be reabsorbed and cause various health issues. Therefore, it is important to take the necessary steps to eliminate these toxins from the body to maintain good health. Using a tongue cleaner also stimulates the taste buds leading to an increase in taste sensations.
(Simply put, tongue cleaners work. If you are not convinced of how effective this tool is, we will happily refund your purchase).
Did you know?
A dry mouth allows odor-producing oral bacteria to flourish. Drinking more water during the day can help by rinsing away food in the mouth, and preventing bacterial growth.
Contrary to popular belief, most mouthwashes do not cure bad breath. They also disrupt your oral microbiome by killing both good and bad bacteria. As reported by The Huffington Post, in 2008, the Better Business Bureau determined that no mouthwash is allowed to claim fresh breath for more than an hour.
Tongue cleaning hygiene has been practiced for centuries in Africa, Arabia, Europe, South America, and many eastern cultures. The various materials used for tongue cleaners include thin flexible wood sections, metals, ivory, mother-of-pearl, whalebone, celluloid, tortoiseshell, and plastic. In Ayurveda, the practice of traditional Indian medicine, tongue cleaning is recommended as a core part of one’s daily oral hygiene routine to remove toxic debris, known as Ama.
The principal cause of the stench is volatile sulfide compounds (VSCs), including methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide (both smell like rotten cabbage), hydrogen sulfide (smells like rotten eggs).
Each year Americans spend more than $1 billion on over-the-counter products to fight halitosis, many of which are ineffective because they only mask the problem.
According to Web MD, the top factors that open the door for the anaerobic odor-causing bacteria to thrive include poor oral hygiene and sinus/throat health.
"The ancient Ayurvedic recommendation of tongue scraping is one that is often overlooked. There are many benefits to this daily practice as far as oral health, and overall physical, mental, and spiritual health. Since the oral cavity is one of the main gateways between your mind/body and the environment, maintaining the health of this connection is critical to general well-being." — Sheila Patel M.D
How to use
Using two hands, place on the tongue as far back as is comfortable.
Gently press the curved section of the cleaner on the tongue and pull forward removing the unwanted coating.
Rinse cleaner and repeat 2-3 times. At the end rinse cleaner well.
- For best results use daily each morning.
Focus on removing the whitish/ gray film typically on the back of the tongue. Your tongue is self-cleaning and you can see that in the areas where your tongue has a healthy pinkish looking color (e.g the tip).
Remember to be gentle — scraping too aggressively is not necessary to remove the coating and you could damage your tongue’s taste buds.
If you have a gag reflex, try sticking your tongue out and not starting too far back. Over time your tongue should get used to the feel of it. Smooth, stainless steel surface easily rinses clean.
Want some inspiration? Try smelling the coating of what you removed from your tongue. (yuk!) Yes, it is gross — and one whiff provides great inspiration to make tongue cleaning a part of your daily oral hygiene routine. (Try the same tip with floss— if you dare!).
Milky tongue? Coated? Patchy looking? Our tongues are gateways to our health, pay attention - it might be telling you something.
Rather than buying a cheap or poorly made tongue cleaner, buy one good one and it will last you the rest of your life.
Is your oral care routine in need of an upgrade? Check out our radically different Oral Care Routine & System.
Q: How often should I use a tongue cleaner?
A: While it varies from person to person, in general, every morning is a good starting point. Each person's oral ecology is different. So, look at your tongue to get a sense of how quickly bacterial coating builds for you, and then remove accordingly.
Q: How do I wash the tongue cleaner?
A: The tongue cleaner is made of hygienic, surgical stainless steel, so giving it a good rinse after use is usually enough. Feel free to use a gentle soap or put it in the dishwasher if you feel it needs a more thorough clean.
Peer-reviewed studies and papers
Effectiveness of mechanical tongue cleaning on breath odour and tongue coating: a systematic review International Journal of Dental Hygiene
Production and origin of oral malodor: a review of mechanisms and methods of analysis Journal of Periodontology
Oral Malodor: A Common Oral Problem Journal of Bioengineering & Biomedical Science
Why Clean Your Tongue Journal of The American Dental Association
Tooth brushing, oil pulling and tissue regeneration: A review of holistic approaches to oral health Journal of Ayurveda Integrated Medicine
The role of alcohol in declined oral health with particular reference to alcohol-containing mouthwashes. Australian Dental Journal
To Beat Bad Breath, Keep the Bacteria in Your Mouth Happy Scientific American
What Causes Bad Breath Web MD
Bad Breath? Drink Water ABC News
Learn more about Oral Health and Routines
What makes this product sustainable?
No plastic.
Built to last a lifetime.
A chemical-free, non-consumable way to address bad breath and break free from waste associated with mouthwashes.
Replaces these kinds of products
Cheap / disposable tongue scrapers
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