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What is RSPO Palm Oil?

Segregated RSPO Palm Oil = Sustainably grown.

The RSPO was founded in 2005 to create a system for certifying sustainably grown palm oil, and to create guidelines of membership for certified growers.

These guidelines cover more than just environmental stewardship; members of the RSPO must report on and provide better working conditions, and better wages, and foster local discussions and input on their impact on local and native land.

The principles and criteria for members of the RSPO help ensure that certified palm oil is produced under legal, socially, and environmentally responsible management.

The World Wildlife Fund has given the RSPO a thumbs up as a big step in the right direction for the production of palm oil in “providing assurance that valuable tropical forests have not been cleared, and social safeguards have been met during the oil’s production” of Certified Sustainable Palm Oil.

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certified sustainable palm oil is an ingredient found in our 3 in 1 Bar - our natural soap made for washing, shaving, and shampooing. Read more about our commitment to sustainably sourced palm oil here »

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