A Holistic Approach to Optimal Oral Health — 8 Core Elements

Outside of following a natural oral care routine with products that help control bad bacteria, support remineralization and detoxing — what else will help?

1. Work with a Holistic/Biological Dentist.

They understand overall health and nutrition and its impact on oral health. Plus, they are focused on helping to find cures to oral health issues vs. just dealing with symptoms. Reminder, stick with regular cleanings (at least 2x a year) — more if you are having issues.  

Here are a few resources to help you find one in your area you can also google “holistic” or “biological” dentist:

Holistic Dental Association

International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology

Directory of Biological Dentists, Doctors & Allied Professionals

Mercury Safe Dentist Directory

2. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamins A, D and K2. 

The best supplement for A & D is Cod Liver Oil since it is the most bioavailable. Green Pasture or Rosita are good brands.

The best source of Vitamin D is well, directly from the good old sun! To stay safe and get effective exposure:

  1. Don't use sunscreen (for this limited, vitamin D focused time) - sunscreen blocks UVB, which is needed to make Vitamin D.
  2. Limit time (15-20 minutes, depending on your location/sun strength).
  3. Expose as much skin as possible.

The DMinder app is a handy timer tool. It measures sun exposure, based on your skin type, to help optimize vitamin D production while avoiding burning.

Vitamin K2 works in tandem with Vitamins A and D and has been show to help build strong teeth, reduce cavities and support optimal oral health. Here is a great article from WAPF on oral health and nutrition regarding K2 and the best sources which include fermented foods and grass-fed animal fats.

3. Practice eating well make it a lifestyle now.

Another reminder of the importance of a good diet — yup, it affects oral health too. In many ways you are what you eat. Get the nutrients your body needs from the food you eat. There is no substitute here.

Healthy, whole foods: organic and/or pasture raised meat, eggs and dairy, a wide variety of vegetables and fruit and high quality fat (eg. olive oil, coconut oil, butter, lard and ghee).

Avoid as many “white” foods as possible such as highly processed wheat and sugar and processed vegetable oils. Consider doing a sugar detox to get over the addiction (considered to be as powerful as heroin!). We really like Dr. Mark Hyman's 10 day plan. It works.

Weston A Price Foundation offers great wisdom and practical advice. We have found their 1 page Timeless Principles of Healthy Traditional Diets to be a simple powerful guide — we have it posted prominently in our kitchen. For a deeper dive, this free 90 page guide is excellent: Healthy 4 Life - How To.

4. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin C and CoQ10 (as Ubiquinol).

Both are powerful antioxidants that defend against tissue damage and support collagen synthesis, important to gum health and strength. Avoid synthetic versions of Vitamin C (e.g. ascorbic and citric acid). They are not nearly as effective as natural forms such as Camu Camu and/or Amla. 

For CoQ10, look for a highly absorbable, "bioavailable" form — either Ubiquinol or a liposomal (fat-soluble) version — we like Quicksilver Scientific. This short video by Dr. Chris Shade of Quicksilver Scientific does a great job giving an overview on the benefits of CoQ10 and Oral Health. Organ meats are another great source.

5. Take Mineral supplements.

Mineral supplementation, with natural, elemental, bioavailable forms (ie. ionic, plant based or earth based) helps support tooth remineralization through the roots and saliva, improving oral health AND overall health.

“You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” — Linus Pauling, 2x Nobel Prize winner and a founder of Molecular Biology

Due to modern agricultural practices, most minerals are deficient in our soil, which in turn makes them deficient in our food and therefore, our bodies. Biodynamically or regeneratively grown foods, marine-based foods (especially seaweed & algae) and some herbs (e.g horsetail) are particularly rich in minerals (assuming the soil nutrient dense).

We need all minerals in their naturally occurring form (i.e non man-made). A few important minerals to highlight:

  1. Magnesium: There are various forms of Magnesium. Magnesium chloride is the master mineral and chelated forms of Magnesium glycinate, taurate, malate as well as orotate and l-threonate are all good too — we find a blend is ideal for oral consumption. Magnesium chloride is great for transdermal absorption (via bath or skin application). Akamai Living Clay is a great remineralizer - rich in bioavailable magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, silica, sulfur and zinc.

    Keep in mind, Calcium, which is important for healthy teeth and bones (along with Phosphorus and Potassium), is dependent on Magnesium to function properly in the body - most people are deficient in Magnesium, which can lead to excess Calcium which is associated with many illnesses.
  2. Trace Minerals: 74+ trace and macro minerals are believed to be essential to overall health and oral wellbeing. For bioavailability you want them in a plant based form, (like we offer in our Akamai Fulvic Mineral Complex). Eidon ionic minerals are a good source of bioavailable minerals - they carry single minerals and blends.
  3. Cell salts: are micro-doses of minerals that represent the basic building blocks of human tissues, bone, skin, etc. There are 12 minerals that stimulate healing processes in the body and address imbalances. These Cell Salts are beneficial for oral health (Hyland's brand is good):

Calcium Phos 6X - bone health, gives solidity to bones and assists in building strong teeth.

Calcium Fluor 6X - assists with improving enamel of teeth and strengthening bones.

Magnesium Phos 6X - bone development & quick pain relief associated with toothaches.

Silica 6X - assists in building strong connective tissue to support deficient assimilation.

Remember most of us are deficient and/or have a poor balance of minerals. If you want to find out exactly which minerals you need along with the supporting cofactors (ie. vitamins), consider getting hair mineral test — which can then be compared to a full nutrient evaluation (this is a blood serum test that also tests for a few of the major minerals).

From the Institute of Mineral Research: “Minerals are inorganic substances required by the body in small amounts for a variety of different functions. They are components of enzyme systems, give us structure, and are essential for nervous system function. The body requires different amounts of each mineral. A deficiency or imbalance of these elements in an otherwise nutritionally adequate diet can lead to very diverse and indefinite metabolic abnormalities many of which are classified as diseases by our medical establishment.”

6. Address (better yet cure) acidity in the mouth.

An overly acidic mouth will damage enamel and cause sensitivity (this is the number 1 cause). Address the root cause by consulting with your Holistic Doctor since it is typically related to diet and lifestyle or an underlying illness (reflux, acid indigestion, food sensitivities, leaky gut) or deficiency.

You can reduce oral acidity by following your tooth brushing with a baking soda rinse (1/2 tsp of baking soda with 8 oz of water) or liquid clay (mix 1 part living clay to 8 parts water). This can also be helpful in maintaining good health, as most harmful microorganisms tend to thrive in an acidic environment.

7. Address other potential causes of tooth erosion.

Excessive use of whitening treatments and abrasive toothpastes, grinding of teeth, gum recession, and aggressive brushing can all contribute to eroding dentin. These can all be avoided.

Use a toothbrush with medium to soft bristles, and learn how to brush optimally. Most dentists recommend the Bass Method — our Bamboo Toothbrush is specifically designed for this method with a unique bristle pattern, shape and spacing specifically designed to get into the gum line (brushing at a 45-degree angle).

Even the softest brushes could add erosion if too much pressure is applied, so use a light touch.

And look for a toothpaste with an RDA that is under 100, like our Mineral Toothpowder.


8. Shift to nasal breathing.

Breathing through the nose, as opposed to the mouth, offers numerous benefits that directly impact the health of your teeth and gums. Adding nasal breathing into your routine can be a game changer.

Why nasal breathing is beneficial:


  • Saliva Production: Nasal breathing helps maintain a more consistent saliva flow and reduces dry mouth. Saliva is crucial for neutralizing the acids produced by oral bacteria, reducing the risk of tooth decay and enamel erosion.
  • Oral Microbiome Balance: A well-hydrated mouth supports a balanced oral microbiome, which is crucial for reducing gum inflammation and maintaining good overall oral health.

How to incorporate nasal breathing:

  • Be Mindful: Regularly check in with your breathing patterns, especially during periods of rest and sleep, to ensure you're breathing through your nose. Simply begin by consciously closing your mouth and starting to breathe through your nose.
  • Clear Nasal Passages: Be diligent in keeping your nose clear. Simple things like blowing your nose will make it easier to breathe. Clearing out what seems like even a little obstruction in your nasal passage can make a huge difference — especially when exercising.

    If needed, you can use a saline spray or nasal irrigation techniques (like a net pot) to help keep your nasal passages clear. In addition, nasal strips can help increase airflow.
  • Try Taping Your Mouth: It's not as radical as it seems and it can really help build the habit. Even just a few days of mouth taping helps rewire the brain and helps establish nasal breathing as a habit. This cost effective tape works great and is what we use.
  • Practice Breathing Exercises: Engage in exercises designed to enhance your nasal breathing, such as diaphragmatic breathing, to improve the habit naturally over time.

Supporting Evidence:

Studies, such as those published in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, highlight the impact of breathing methods on oral health, and the role of saliva in maintaining oral hygiene along with the negative effects of mouth breathing. Another study in the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology underscores the importance of proper breathing techniques for oral health, particularly in children.

In addition we are huge fans of the book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor. It digs into the historical shift from nasal to mouth breathing and its detrimental effects on oral and overall health. It’s a great read and a real eye opener — packed with information and offering great inspiration to shift to nose breathing.



  • Work with a Holistic Dentist.
  • Consume proper nutrition and supplementation of key nutrients.
  • Address causes of acidity and erosion.
  • Use optimized oral care products.

More Resources

Prominent Holistic Dentist, Dr. Steven Lin, discusses how to cure tooth decay naturally, following a very similar supplementation protocol along with a healthy diet.

Dr. David Jockers DNM, DC, MS is a doctor of natural medicine, functional nutritionist and corrective care chiropractor. He has a very comprehensive article on the important nutrients for healthy teeth and gums.

The Weston A Price Foundation has several great articles on Holistic Dentistry and Oral Health:


Disclaimer: All of the contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Akamai, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Akamai. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using any product.


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