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How does remineralization work?

The process of remineralization and the amount of time it takes is dependent on many factors:

  • The status of your pH - an overly acidic system and mouth can cause demineralization, sensitivity, and erosion. If you are experiencing any of this you'll need to correct it to re-mineralize your teeth.
  • The status of minerals in your system - are you taking/do you have enough macro (calcium, magnesium, phosphate) and trace minerals in your system to re-mineralize? Keep in mind, that calcium needs magnesium to work in your system. While fluoride is touted for remineralization it is artificial/synthetic and can create brittle teeth.
  • Ingredients in your toothpaste - are you using a toothpaste that contains a lot of glycerin (like a sensitive toothpaste formula)? glycerin can coat the teeth and inhibit remineralization.
  • Status of overall oral health - do you have regular cleanings (plaque removal)? is your gut health in good shape (do you have acid reflux or digestive issues)? 
  • Saliva production - Is your mouth dry? Are you producing enough saliva? Saliva washes your teeth and provides minerals.

This article describes the process. This study discusses the Demineralization – remineralization dynamics in teeth and bone. We encourage you to research for yourself too.

Akamai Mineral Toothpowder supports remineralization by providing:

  • Absorbable, bioavailable minerals - food-grade calcium montmorillonite (bentonite) clay with macro and trace minerals and fulvic acid (a plant and soil-based source of trace minerals that improves absorption of all nutrients)
  • Cleaning power gently polishes and cleans, leaving no residue (contains no glycerin)
  • Increase of salivation due to the bitter/savory flavor (added salt and no sweetener)
  • Control of bad bacteria while detoxing the mouth (clays, essential oils)
  • Neutral to Alkaline pH - our Toothpowder has a pH between 9 and 10.

In short, remineralization and optimal oral health require a whole-body approach that includes a healthy diet, a healthy gut, supplements to increase vital minerals and nutrients, regular dental cleanings, and the right oral care products.

We offer our Mineral Toothpowder, Oil Pulling Mouthwash, and Fulvic Mineral Complex in full support of the remineralization process. 

As always, we recommend that you discuss remineralization with your holistic or biological dentist.


**This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information for this webpage and product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration**

California Proposition 65 Warning

Mineral Toothpowder may have trace amounts of naturally occurring heavy metals. Heavy metals are known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.

[We must provide this warning to legally sell these products to residents of California. The clay we use chemically binds to these naturally occurring heavy metals, preventing their absorption by the body.]

Here is our Prop 65 statement regarding our clay-based products.

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