I have an account but I can't log in or manage my subscription
While you created an Account with your first order, you need to "Activate it" (create a password) to manage your Account and Subscription.
You can do this (Activate/Create a Password) by clicking on the link in the "Account Activation" email sent to you after you place your first order.
If you can't find the email, no worries, just contact support@akamaibasics.com and we'll send out another activation email to you, or help you with anything else you need.
We are here to help manage your subscription.
Want to adjust quantities? Add or delete an item? Change a ship date or billing information? Whatever the need, for the fastest service, email support@akamaibasics.com or initiate a chat. You can also call (303) 542-7218 9-5 Mountain Time, M-F. To self-serve click the "Manage Subscription" button in your account dashboard. You can log in here.