Help Center

Can I skip shipments or change my ship date?

Yes. You can skip a shipment, choose a new delivery date, or choose to ship your subsription right away. 

Log in to your account using the same email you used to create an account and click on the link that says “Manage Subscriptions”

  1. Under "Active Subscriptions", go to the product you want to change dates for and click the "Manage Subscription" button on the right.

  2. Click "Next Shipment" and choose your next preferred ship day. 

  3. Click the "Update Next Shipment" button or hit "Order Now" to ship your product asap. 

To simply skip your next shipment and delay your order another interval (whichever one you've set up: 2, 4, 6 months), scroll down below the "Active Subscriptions" panel and click "Skip Shipment".


We are here to help manage your subscription.

Want to adjust quantities? Add or delete an item? Change a ship date or billing information? Whatever the need, for the fastest service, email or initiate a chat. You can also call (303) 542-7218 9-5 Mountain Time, M-F. To self-serve click the "Manage Subscription" button in your account dashboard. You can log in here.


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