Can I add (or delete) products?
To add a product to your subscription
- Log in to your account using the same email you used to create an account.
- Click “Manage Subscriptions”.
- On your subscription, click the button that says “Add a Product”.
- Find the product you want to add, select one-time or subscription and follow the prompts.
- Click “Add Product”.
To delete a product from your subscription
- Log in to your account using the same email you used to create an account.
- Click “Manage Subscriptions”.
- On the Manage Subscriptions page go to your current subscription product you'd like to cancel and click the button labeled "Manage Subscription"
- Under the “Your Subscription” options column click "Cancel”. (Left column on desktop view)
Desktop view:

Mobile view:

- Select a reason for canceling (all feedback is helpful!) and click "Cancel Subscription".
- All future orders will reflect your change.
We are here to help manage your subscription.
Want to adjust quantities? Add or delete an item? Change a ship date or billing information? Whatever the need, for the fastest service, email or initiate a chat. Call (303)542-7218 9-5 Mountain Time, M-F. To self-serve click the "Manage Subscription" button in your account dashboard. You can log in here.