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What type of iron is in the Fulvic Mineral Complex and will I get too much?

Fulvic Mineral Complex contains naturally occurring iron, among the 75 plus nutrients and organic acids. It is not meant to reverse deficiency in iron, nor will it create an imbalance or excess. 

What is the nature of the iron component in our Fulvic Mineral Complex? What is the source and form?

The source of our fulvic acid — extracted using super-purified reverse osmosis water — is a prehistoric compost deposit in the southeastern United States. This deposit is unique because it has a layer of marine life and a layer of terrestrial life that are blended together before extraction. 

When we do laboratory testing on each batch of our fulvic minerals, the lab does not distinguish between heme iron and non-heme iron so we cannot state with exactness the type of iron in our fulvic minerals; it is conceivable that there may be both.

How do we know that the iron will not accumulate in the body?

Fulvic acids chelate (bind) iron molecules to form a complex that can cross the cell membrane and deliver the fulvic-iron molecule into the cell cytoplasm. Once inside the cell, the iron (Fe) molecules are subsequently released (from the fulvic molecule) and transferred to hemoglobin and myoglobin by the function of the protein transferrin that catalyzes this iron transfer. 

The build-up of toxic levels of iron in the body is becoming more common. Excessive iron occurs most often from taking supplements or multivitamins (with a particular form of iron) when not needed or from having a genetic condition such as hemochromatosis that causes an excessive build-up of iron in the body.

Humans need both copper and iron for optimal physiology. Our bodies store excess iron in the intracellular storage protein called ferritin. Ferritin and transferrin (a glycoprotein) together catalyze the transfer of the iron molecule to hemoglobin and myoglobin when needed by the body.

Copper is essential for the proper structure and function of transferrin. Without copper, transferrin wouldn’t be able to transfer the iron molecules from the storage protein ferritin to hemoglobin and without that life could not function. So both iron and copper are essential for life. In other words, if an individual has too much iron or it is affecting their health, the issue may be related to an imbalance of beneficial vitamins and minerals (like copper) that make iron function properly in the body. 

Take calcium for instance. Calcium needs magnesium to be utilized by the body. If you are deficient in magnesium your body stores calcium, which can lead to health issues.

In addition, Akamai’s Fulvic Minerals have many organic acids (over 30) besides fulvic. Low-molecular-weight organic acids have a positive effect on mineral consumption (utilization) such as copper and iron.

The body is an interconnected web of chemical and mineral interactions that happen along metabolic pathways. Everything we do — our entire lifestyle — from the air we breathe, the exercise we get, the food we eat, how much we eat, when, the quality, the quality of our sleep, and our ability to relax and be optimistic — all impact our physiology.

If you are concerned about excess iron, it is always best to consult your doctor and get tested for iron and other nutrients that support iron utilization.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Neither our products nor these statements are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our products are not intended for those with a medical condition, who are pregnant or nursing. Always consult your doctor before taking any supplement.

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