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How long will it take to feel the effects of the Fulvic Mineral Complex?

The majority of people who take our Fulvic Mineral Complex feel a more consistent flow of daily energy and endurance within the first few days.

After several weeks, you might experience healthier hair, skin, nails, and teeth, improvements in the digestive system, and a reduction in stress and aches and pains.

Since Fulvic Minerals support all of the functions in your body (on a cellular level) you will benefit from an increased absorption of minerals from the foods and supplements you take daily. Our Fulvic Mineral Complex is a powerful, natural antioxidant, offering a “trickle-charge” of electrical energy which is vital to all living cells.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Neither our products nor these statements are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our products are not intended for those with a medical condition, who are pregnant or nursing. Always consult your doctor before taking any supplement.

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