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Will taking Fulvic Mineral Complex help solve a mineral deficiency, or do I still need to take other minerals, such as Magnesium?

Fulvic Mineral Complex contains trace amounts of over 90 nutrients essential for optimal health.

Our product helps reduce trace mineral deficiencies, which can have profound effects on overall health, but it will not address deficiencies in macro minerals.

If you have a macro mineral deficiency (e.g. magnesium), our Fulvic Mineral Complex will maximize utilization, lessening the amount required and “activate” additional supplements. When choosing a macro mineral for supplementation, choose a natural form (e.g. liquid ionic), or plant-based, for optimal absorption.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Neither our products nor these statements are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our products are not intended for those with a medical condition, who are pregnant or nursing. Always consult your doctor before taking any supplement.

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