Polyphenols from fulvic acid for healthy skin & body

Both plants and humans have an elaborate, photoprotective biochemical process to deal with oxidative stress and pathogens (from UV exposure and/or environmental toxins) that utilizes antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and co-enzymes to protect and repair free radical damage throughout its layers. 

Under normal conditions, this natural antioxidant system is very effective. Polyphenols can help boost the body’s ability to protect and repair the damage, topically and internally. They are especially important in times of increased exposure (summertime or vacation) and to keep aging skin healthy.


Polyphenols are plant-based micronutrients with antioxidant activity, found most abundantly in whole foods such as dried spices, fruits and berries, vegetables, oilseeds, red wine, cannabis, cocoa and tea [2]. Polyphenols play an important role in your body’s defense against UV exposure.  They also support cellular, neurological, and cardiovascular health. Polyphenols also play an important role as a prebiotic, increasing the ratio of beneficial bacteria in your gut, which is important for supporting overall health and weight management.   

Polyphenols give fruits, berries, and vegetables their vibrant colors, and contribute to the bitterness, astringency, flavor, aroma, and oxidative stability of the food. In the plant, they protect against ultraviolet radiation, pathogens, oxidative damage, and harsh climatic conditions

The term 'polyphenols' includes a large group of molecular compounds, which all have more than one phenolic hydroxyl group, bound to one or more benzene ring systems. Flavonoids, such as fulvic acids, are the main group of polyphenols. Phenolic compounds are often esterified with sugars or organic acids resulting in a complex spectrum of over 5000 compounds naturally occurring in plants. These compounds act as antioxidants and free radical scavengers.

Polyphenols help protect the skin and support its clarity, elasticity, smoothness, hydration, and firmness. In addition, they have health-balancing effects, as demonstrated in several skin models [6,7].

In fact, flavonoids, such as fulvic acid, stilbene, and hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, have been determined to have their own protective qualities in a study performed by Nichols et al.[3].

UVA accounts for more than 90% of the total UV radiation reaching us and is constant throughout the year. In the summertime, UVB photons increase considerably. The good news is UVB provides a necessary, natural form of Vitamin D, and controlled unprotected sun exposure is known to boost this essential vitamin. The bad news is UVB is 1000X more capable of causing sunburn and skin damage than UVA.


Many skin care products have been developed in recent years based on polyphenol-enriched extracts, like green tea. To be effective, topically applied substances need to be released from the formulation to reach the skin and to overcome the Stratum Corneum -- the horny outer layer -- barrier and penetrate into the epidermis and dermis. The release of active substances and their absorption depends on the molecular properties such as molecular weight and lipophilicity, but also on the vehicle -- oil based or water based formulations [4,5]. The polyphenol-enriched skin care formulations must be chemically, physically and microbiologically stable to assure the deliverability of active substances to the target skin layers.

The fulvic acids (used by Akamai) are derived from a natural source deposit in the United States. Through a clean extraction by purified water, a concentrated product is produced that is stable in a wide pH range. Fulvic acids are both hydrophilic (water-loving) and lipophilic (fat-loving) making them ideal for skin care. Their wide pH and tiny molecular weight make them pass easily through cell membranes.


Akamai’s Skin Fuel and Bioactive Black Balm contain Fulvic Mineral Complex which is fulvic acid plus organic acids (including gallic, caffein, ferric, benzoic, acetic, phenylacetic, lactate, etc..) proven to be powerfully effective antioxidants. It’s in our Mineral Toothpowder too!

Polyphenols are also incredibly powerful taken internally to help digestion and maintain overall health, and are abundant in Akamai’s Fulvic Mineral Complex.

In summary:

  • Polyphenols are an important addition to a healthy skin care regimen, particularly for natural protection and repair.  Be sun smart!

  • It’s not what you eat or apply to your skin, it is what you absorb. Naturally occurring polyphenols are more bioavailable.
  • The antioxidant effect of organic acids (internally and externally)  is supported by numerous studies both in the laboratory and in human trials [8,9] and literature  [10 - 21] .


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