Our microbiomes: make love not war

There is an ecosystem of trillions of bacteria, tiny spiders, and fungi living on every human – from our toes to the tops of our heads.

That’s billions per square centimeter. While our automatic response may be to grab the nearest bottle of sanitizer or jump in the shower to soap up, we actually need these communities of teeming microorganisms, known as microbiomes.

Yes, keep washing your hands after handling raw meats or when there are increased chances of illnesses spreading. It’s important to keep bad bacteria in check. But we want a balanced biome that’s not over-sanitized, where the good bacteria can flourish.

Bacteria are essential to our well-being.

For instance, beneficial bacteria, like Staphylococcus epidermis, boost our immune cells’ ability to fight off pathogens that can cause a wide range of health issues. Acinetobacter bacteria is another ally, found to help protect against allergic reactions. Several other bacteria affect the production of inflammatory molecules; if they aren’t in balance, the inflammatory response can run rampant, triggering autoimmune issues.

There are highly specialized microorganisms living in different parts of our bodies that are meant to coexist with us and keep us healthy.

The microbes living in our armpits, for example, fight to keep body odor in check. By using antiperspirants and harsh synthetic deodorants, we block the detoxifying effects of sweating and disrupt the environment that fosters friendly bacteria. Natural deodorants are a better choice because they don’t inhibit perspiration and gently combat bad bacteria. In fact, if you are a healthy person you probably don’t even need deodorant – your good bacteria, inside and out keep you stink free.

The mouth has its own unique environment, hospitable to many microorganisms. It is warm, nutrient-rich, continuously bathed with saliva, and has a pH of between 6.75 and 7.25. Therefore the oral cavity is home to a rich microbiota, most of which are beneficial organisms, living in harmony with each other and the host - the presence of microbes is, in fact, essential to good health. For example, a common resident of the mouth and respiratory tract, Streptococcus Salivarius K12 is known to produce substances that deter harmful bacteria and greatly reduce bad breath. While the symbiosis is usually stable and mutually beneficial, external factors such as ingredients in toothpaste (like Triclosan or foaming agents/SLS) and harsh mouthwashes (with alcohol and chlorhexidine or other antiseptics), can change the balance and can kill off ALL bacteria (including the good guys). This may result in increased susceptibility to oral health risks.

The bottom line: support your microbiome and it will support you - make love, not war.

It’s simple if you follow these principles:

1. Less is more.

All we really need to do to keep our body clean is rinse with water and use a mild natural soap on the armpits, groin, and feet and shampoo the hair about once or twice a week. Keep in mind, all soaps (even natural soaps) physically bind to microbes and sloughs them off, including beneficial bacteria.

By using soap and shampoo minimally, we avoid stripping away sebum, the body’s natural oil. Made by the sebaceous glands, sebum helps create a healthy level of moisture on skin and scalp, which favors beneficial bacteria while also delivering the powerful antioxidant vitamin E for youthful hair and skin. 

2. Getting dirty is good for you!

Soil contains beneficial bacteria that can add to your microbiome and improve your health.

Studies show that people living with pets, who garden or otherwise have regular contact with soil, tend to have more diverse microbial communities, better allergy resistance and stronger immune systems than people who don’t.

Soil bacteria organisms (SBOs), such as bacillus subtilis, are key in building healthy gut flora which improves digestion and nutrient absorption. The SBO mycobacterium vaccae is found to trigger the release of serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter that elevates mood.

Clay, a common soil material, not only carries beneficial bacteria and minerals but also binds to potentially dangerous bacteria, mold, parasites, and contaminants that can be present in the soil, on our bodies, or in our mouths. Historically, many ancient cultures ate clay for its nourishing and cleansing properties. It is especially helpful for oral care and can be found today in some natural toothpastes, including Akamai Mineral Toothpaste. 

3. Choose good (natural, nourishing) ingredients & read labels.

Deodorant soaps are among the harshest, unnecessary, personal care products. They typically include harsh chemicals and detergents that destroy the natural biome and weaken the immune system.

Look for botanical and nutrient-rich ingredients like coconut, olive, jojoba or almond oil and clays. These simple but powerful basics do their work to clean, feed and balance your body. Avoid anything with “fragrance” listed as an ingredient. Fragrance can be a Trojan horse for a wide range of toxic chemicals such as phthalates, known hormone disruptors. Essential oils are a safe alternative for scenting personal care products while mitigating bad bacteria.

Akamai products will “feed the jungle” of your microbiomes

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